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Kindergarten - 2nd Grade

Kindergarten through second grade is a time of rapid growth and development. As children progress into higher-level thinking in literacy, math, science, and social studies, they also gain greater awareness of the world around them. At this age, their hearts and minds are especially open to building empathy, compassion, and understanding for others. They learn to read, and learn to express their ideas. This time is especially foundational for mastering simple skills that will pave the way for other subjects, more complex problem-solving, developing moral attributes, and beyond.

Two kids with glasses

When Can My Child Start Kindergarten?

If you're wondering when your child can start kindergarten, you're not alone! Every state has its own age requirements for starting kindergarten, and they vary.

NHA operates schools with kindergarten programs across nine states. Use our kindergarten calculator to help determine when your child can start kindergarten at an NHA school.
Kindergarten Calculator


English Language Arts

English Language Arts

English Language Arts

Becoming a reader and writer is fundamental to success in life. Our youngest students learn how to read through a systematic phonics approach, which means we explicitly teach students the skills they need to decode text, while building comprehension, grammar, and writing skills through daily practice. Students make connections to texts and apply a variety of comprehension skills to what they’ve read. Our teachers use tools in line with state standards and ELA best practices to support instruction.




In kindergarten through second grade, our students develop a deep understanding of addition, subtraction, and place value concepts. Our curriculum supports students in developing number sense by introducing concepts with real life contexts and visual models. These foundational skills are the basis for greater geometry awareness and prepare students for more complex problem-solving in the years to come.




Children will learn to use their senses to observe and make sense of the world around them. They will explore a variety of topics, while they will also develop key practices such as communication, collaboration, and problem-solving that will serve them throughout their educational lives.

Social Studies

Social Studies

Social Studies

We’re committed to developing students who grow up to become thoughtful and compassionate citizens. Many concepts that will shape their awareness and empathy are introduced during these early years. Through inquiry, your child will explore connections between their own world, school, community and the larger world by examining the themes of geography, economics, and human systems.

Collage of kids in classrooms

Traditional School or Homeschool?

The decision between enrolling your child into a traditional school versus homeschooling can be difficult. It usually depends on the student and family's needs and preferences. Here at National Heritage Academies (NHA), we know how important this decision can be and want to help you and your family make the right decision. Keep reading to learn more about what an NHA-partner school education means for your child.
Learn More About NHA's Approach

Our Moral Focus Program

We believe strong minds and hearts can impact the world in amazing ways. That's why we empasize virtues such as respect, perseverance, compassion, and courage as part of our daily curriculum. We know these qualities are essential to helping kids become truly successful, make good decisions, and do what's right. "Moral Focus" is integrated into everything we do. That's why we:

  • Created a curriculum specifically for Moral Focus.
  • Celebrate a different "virtue of the month" throughout the year.
  • Have students create a class contract where they agree how they'll treat their teacher and one another.
  • Recognize and celebrate students for how they live out Moral Focus every day.


I love the emphasis on moral focus each month. Not only is my child receiving an education, but you are also teaching her qualities to be a good person.

Monthly Virtues

Wisdom Badge


Use good judgment to make decisions

Respect Badge


Treat others the way you want to be treated

Gratitude Badge


Appreciate the kindness and generosity of others

Self-control badge


Manage your emotions and behavior to stay calm

Perseverance Badge


Persist through difficulties until you reach your goal

Courage Badge


Despite fear, do what you believe is right

Encouragement badge


Motivate others to have confidence in themselves

Compassion Badge


Help and care for others during times of need

Integrity Badge


Do what is right, honorable, and good

child raising her hand

Advanced Learning Program  

We offer advanced learning opportunities for top-performing students who are ready to progress beyond grade level.


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Give your child the best educational experience - from home. Apply online or over the phone today.

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