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Testing & Assessments FAQ

Will my child have to participate in state testing?

Yes. PrepNet Virtual (PVA) students must comply with all state-mandated testing. State standardized assessments are required under both state and federal law to ensure all children are learning and receiving high quality education.

What are the benefits of state assessments?

State assessments provide:
  • An important snapshot of student achievement at state, district, and building levels.
  • Valuable information to parents regarding their child's academic achievement.
  • Important data for teachers, schools, and districts to help guide instruction.
State assessments are summative, meaning they measure what students are expected to know and be able to do at specific grade levels and in special content levels.

Since PVA is a virtual school, can these assessments be taken virtually?

While some assessments may be taken from the comfort of your home, state assessments must be taken in person at a PVA testing site in the state of Michigan. All assessments are listed under the question below. All italicized assessments must be completed in person.

Which assessments will my child be required to take?

PVA students are required to take the following assessments:
(those required to be taken in person are italicized)
  • NWEA assessments
  • AIMsWeb assessments (elementary)
  • Formative and interim assessments
  • Semster/final exams (middle and high school)
  • Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress (M-STEP) or MI-Access (alternate assessment given as applicable) for students in grades 3-8, 11, and eligible students in grade 12
  • M-STEP: Reading and Math for grades 3-7
  • M-STEP: Science and Social Studies for grades 5, 8, and 11
  • PSAT 8 for students in grade 8
  • PSAT 9 for students in grade 9
  • PSAT 10 for students in grade 10
  • Michigan Merit Exam for students in grade 11 and eligible students in grade 12 (includes SAT, WorkKeys, and M-STEP Science and Social Studies)
  • WIDA screener for English Language Learners entering Kindergarten and any newly designated English Language Learner
  • WIDA designated for identified English Language Learners in grades K-12