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Pembroke Hosts Building Better Men Program

The Building Better Men Program was started in 1991 by Odis Bellinger and his goal is to get kids to value themselves and visualize their hopes and ambitions. For 28 years, he’s spent virtually all his free time mentoring adolescent boys in Detroit with his program, Building Better Men.

Bellinger accomplishes his goal through small reading groups, interactive group workshops, individual counseling, relevant participant role-play, male encouragement conferences, educational collegiate tours, and recreational field trips. These components of the program teach social and personal responsibility, decision-making, leadership skills, critical thinking, and literacy skills.

“We choose to have this program at our school as another layer of support, encouragement, and positive male influence in the lives of our third- through fifth-grade students,” said Glenn.

During the life skills session, participants were asked what they learned. One student wrote that they learned to always respect others, make wise choices, and always treat everyone with care. Another student wrote that they learned to be a good leader, make sure to follow their dreams, and to be respectful.