Matthews Charter Academy hosted a career day to expose scholars to a variety of career paths. Speakers from various career backgrounds came in to talk to students about their field of work and answered any questions they had.
“It is important to have a career day to give our scholars the opportunity to experience a variety of career fields and professions other than the ones they experience daily in school or in their homes,” said Marsha Thomas, dean of instruction, middle school, and exceptional children at Matthews Charter Academy. “It gives them an opportunity to be exposed to other professions, ask questions, rethink their choices, and reroute their plans if necessary.”
The seventh- and eighth-grade students received a 45-minute presentation from Ms. Amy Baden, a Hospital Development Specialist at LifeShare Carolinas. She was accompanied by a Lifeshare ambassador, who shared his experience as an organ recipient, which were donated to save his life.
Present at the career day was a marine, CEO, iCloud software engineer, mechanical engineer, assistant buyer for Belk, catering owner, pastry chef, business analyst, veterinarians, executive consultant, personal trainer, recreation assistants, health coach, juvenile detention officer, and retired army engineer.
“The biggest takeaway from the career day was that students were able to focus on a broader spectrum of career fields and not the norm; doctor, lawyer, teacher, police officer, firefighter, etc.,” said Thomas. “This year the focus was on connecting our scholars through how they learn and what they need to be successful in today's society.”