Matthews Charter Academy (MCA) conducted their first lockdown drill of the year. In attendance were some special guests from the Matthews Police Department, alongside their citizen volunteers.
“They were supportive, intentional, and we look forward to continue building a lasting relationship with the authorities to support creating a safe environment,” Marsha Thomas, dean of middle school at MCA.
MCA finds building a relationship with local enforcement important because there are some things they do not know and may deliver incorrectly. Receiving support from the local safety experts guides school safety specialists to support their staff in a positive light.
MCA’s goal is to let the school community, especially their scholars, know that physical, social, and emotional safety is their number one priority.
“Teaching and practicing safety with students and staff is so important because this focus ensures that teaching and learning can take place every day because our goal as TEAM 1 is to increase the academic success of all scholars,” said Thomas.
Safety drills work to establish an environment that is secure, safe, and protected.