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Meet Pembroke Principal Salwa Kinsey

Why did you choose education as a profession?

I chose education as my profession because I wanted to make a difference for the better, and felt that I could positively impact the lives of the children and families that I work with through my own love of learning. I take great pride and care in what I do as an educator, and it is my goal that with each decision made for our students and school, that everyone’s overall well-being and success is always at the forefront of every single one of those decisions.

What is your favorite part of serving as a principal?

My absolute favorite part of being a principal is definitely watching our students grow and soar towards new levels of success each and every day. As a united school team, we take collective responsibility in making sure that we are leading with care as well as implementing the very best instructional practices so that we can provide an educational experience that not only focuses on our students’ academic success, but also the well-being of each child as a whole. It is through this positive and united teamwork between staff, students, and families, that we build the strongest road to success possible for our students. This connection between positive teaming, hard work, and our overall collective success is the ultimate goal and the most rewarding part of serving as principal of Pembroke Academy.

What is the one thing you wish for every child?

One thing I wish for every child that comes our way is that they embrace a love for learning and gain a strong awareness of their individual goals and how these individual goals are connected to their long term dreams and overall successes. It is also my hope that each child embrace a strong sense of perseverance to overcome any challenges that may come along, but also that we proudly celebrate successes along the way. Lastly, I want each child to know that every adult in our building is here for them, and that we’re all here for each other, uplifting one another each and every day.

Did You Know?

  • I am a Reading Specialist, having completed the University of Michigan’s Reading Specialist Program, receiving my Reading Specialist endorsement in 2011.
  • I have presented numerous workshops for educators and administrators throughout the City of Detroit and surrounding school districts through Grand Valley State University on the topic of Climate and Culture, connecting with students through building relationships and empowering instructional strategies
  • I was born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts, graduated high school in South Florida, moved to Michigan in 1994, and have loved living here ever since!


The University of Michigan – Bachelor’s Degree in 2006
The University of Michigan – Master’s Degree in 2011
The University of Michigan – Reading Specialist Endorsement in 2011
Grand Valley State University – Educational Leadership Program Administrator’s Certificate - 2013

Favorite Things

HOLIDAY:  Thanksgiving
MEAL:  I love anything Mediterranean and all Italian cuisine
SPORT:  Playing kickball & miniature golf, but watching baseball or tennis
CANDY:  Milk Chocolate Hershey bar with almonds
MOVIES:  The Karate Kid (original from 1984), Lean on Me, The Wizard of Oz, Big, and Back to the Future

Favorite Inspirational Quote:

“What you do has far greater impact than what you say.”
      - Stephen Covey
“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
      - Mahatma Gandhi