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Meet The Willow School Principal Jessica Dominique

Jessica Dominique didn’t start off with the dream of being an educator. In fact, she initially thought social work was her calling. It was during her senior project, shadowing a social worker, that she realized the field's impact but also recognized that her heart and desire to positively influence children lay in a different direction. Jessica turned to education, a profession deeply rooted in her family for over 36 years.

From the first few moments in the world of education, Jessica knew she wanted to be a principal. But it wasn’t just about climbing the ladder; it was about educating others and making a difference while being the best version of herself. Jessica started her career as a 2nd-grade teacher under the leadership of her own former elementary school principal. She then moved up to 3rd grade and continued to grow her talents. When her district received a Teacher Incentive Fund (TIFF) grant, she was identified as a Master Teacher and charged with supporting other educators — a role she excelled in for five years.

Next, Jessica transitioned to another district as an instructional specialist, eventually finding her way back to the classroom, where she once again taught 3rd grade. Her students consistently achieved the highest test scores in the school. It was around this time that Jessica learned about National Heritage Academies (NHA), applied to be a math specialist, and spent two years in that role before starting on the path to becoming a dean.

As the principal of Willow Charter Academy, Principal Dominique’s favorite part of the job is the broad impact she can have. “Impacting more kids than just those who are in my own class or section of the school is what makes me feel like a superhero,” she said.

Principal Dominique’s career is filled with professional accolades, from being nominated for Teacher of the Year in just her second year of teaching to later winning Teacher of the District to being named a finalist for the Dean of Excellence award and earning a Great Principal rating. Under her leadership, Willow Charter Academy is on track to becoming a B-rated school with the most growth among all NHA schools in Louisiana, outperforming state averages in English Language Arts and besting four out of six local schools.

“Every day, I am motivated by the 612 faces I see at school, along with the feedback I receive from my deans and teachers on my daily impact,” Principal Dominique said.

Parental involvement is something Principal Dominique considers crucial to student success, particularly for those who struggle academically or behaviorally. She firmly believes in building connections with families to promote student growth.

Outside of school, Jessica is a family-oriented person who loves spending time with her loved ones, often vacationing in Florida. Her favorite quote is from Philippians 4:13 in the Bible: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” aligning perfectly with her favorite moral focus virtue, perseverance. For Principal Dominique, both in her life and in her work, it’s all about not giving up.

“My wish for every child is simple: that all of their dreams come true,” she said. “Dream big” is the theme at Willow Charter Academy this year, and with Jessica Dominique forging the path, it’s a dream that parents and students can believe in with full confidence.

Quick Facts:
  • Jessica Dominique holds a bachelor's degree in elementary education, a master’s degree in educational leadership, and has completed over 30 graduate hours in curriculum instruction from Southern University and A&M in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
  • Principal Dominique doesn’t watch television — something that might surprise those who know her.
  • Her favorite sport is basketball, and all of her children are or have been student-athletes.
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About Willow Charter Academy:
Willow Charter Academy is a tuition-free, public charter school in Lafayette, Louisiana, serving students in kindergarten through eighth grade. It is part of the National Heritage Academies network, which includes over 95 tuition-free, public charter schools serving more than 65,000 students in kindergarten through 12th grade across nine states. For more information, visit

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