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Class of 2024: Malia Brown, A Leader On and Off the Court

When Malia Brown walked through the doors of Taylor Preparatory High School as a sophomore, she was a shy transfer student. Coach Ronald Pummill remembers those early days well. "I was fortunate enough to teach her when she first came in as a sophomore, but I didn't hear her voice much at all.”  

Taylor Prep 2024 graduate, Brown

Brown may have been quiet, but it didn't take long for her to stand out. She quickly showed everyone that she was an exceptional student, consistently earning good grades. However, her accomplishments extended beyond the classroom.

Taylor Prep graduate, Brown, heading to Henry Ford College

As she settled into the school community, Brown's potential as a leader began to emerge. She became a two-year captain of the volleyball team and also excelled in varsity soccer. Pummill recalled a key moment coaching her on the volleyball court during her senior year: "It came down to the final regular season game for a league championship. We had never won a league championship in our history,” Pummill explained. “We had already lost to this team once and needed to beat them to win the championship. The version of her on the volleyball court two years later was just so intense, firing people up, encouraging, loud, and ferocious. To see that transformation in 24 months was amazing."

Brown’s time at Taylor Prep has been all about hard work and perseverance. She has balanced her academic and athletic commitments, setting an example for her peers, and becoming a role model for many of the younger students.

Taylor Prep graduate, Brown, playing volleyball

Her dedication has paid off. She not only received the Scholar-Athlete award for the Class of 2024, but she also earned a scholarship to play volleyball at Henry Ford College. "When she first started, she loved volleyball and said, 'I want to play at the college level, but I don't think I'm good enough.' Just to see her perseverance over the last two years and grow athletically to earn a scholarship was awesome to see," Pummill said proudly.

In addition to sports and academics, Brown is also an avid volunteer. She’s always ready to assist with school events, manage the school store, and participate in community service projects. Her efforts are an example of Taylor Prep's commitment to community service, one of the reasons the school outperforms the local district in all subjects.

Taylor Prep graduate, Brown, playing volleyball

As Brown prepares for her next steps at Henry Ford College, Pummill has some advice: “Keep pursuing your dreams. Don’t set limits on yourself. Try things that you want and don't hold yourself back.”

Congratulations, Malia, and the entire Taylor Prep class of 2024! We can’t wait to see what you achieve next!

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About Taylor Preparatory High School 
Taylor Preparatory High School is a tuition-free, public charter school in Taylor, Michigan, serving students in ninth through 12th grade. It is part of the National Heritage Academies network, which includes more than 100 tuition-free, public charter schools serving more than 65,000 students in kindergarten through 12th grade across nine states. For more information, visit

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