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Focus on December: New Cell Phone Policy, Multicultural Night, and Student Publishes First Book

NHA Communications Team  |  January 09, 2025
The issue of cell phone use by students at school is a challenge being tackled throughout the nation, and a National Heritage Academies (NHA) school has implemented new rules to help keep classroom distractions to a minimum.

Grand River Preparatory High School implemented special pocket holders for students to put their cell phones in, which correspond with the classroom seating chart. Students are then expected to retrieve their phones on their way out of class.

“They’re not just counting down the seconds until they can grab their phone again,” Environmental Studies Teacher Jordan Dischinger-Smedes said. “A good number of them are also taking it and just putting in their pocket and going on. They’re not taking it out instantly.”

The school is seeing a decrease in classroom issues and an increase in performance from students. Read more here.

Below are more links to special stories from the month of December:Visit our recent news blog for more stories about NHA schools.

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