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Plymouth Scholars Student Jumps into Action Through “Feed Detroit” Initiative

Inspired to take action by the coronavirus pandemic, Maahika Singh, eighth-grade student at Plymouth Scholars Charter Academy, joined the Michigan Indian-American Community Service Group (MICS) Youth Group two months ago to support coronavirus relief efforts and help with website content and development. 

MICS was created by the leaders of 50+ local Indian organizations to offer relief services in order to effectively meet local needs during this community-wide crisis. 
Rows of meal bags

Several task forces were created to address community needs. When MICS decided to collaborate with Detroit Education Society to provide meals to school students and families in need, Maahika stepped up and formed her “Feed Detroit” initiative that she runs single-handedly. Within three weeks Maahika was able to raise funds toward this cause and collect a substantial amount reaching out to friends and family. Through this initiative, she has collaborated with a few schools in Detroit that are in dire need of meal packages, and more than 300 breakfast and lunches are delivered per week.

“I am so proud of Maahika and her investment in helping others in need,” said Sabrina Terenzi, principal at Plymouth Scholars. “By leading this initiative, Maahika is demonstrating compassion and empathy, both of which are qualities that make great humans and future leaders in our communities.”
Women posing

Along with her friends and other youth volunteers, Maahika wrote more than 250 motivational and inspirational quotes for the children and attached them to their meal packages/brown bags. She helps with assembling, packaging, and the delivery of these meals each week.

“While many sat back in fear, Maahika did not,” shared her mom, Radhika Shukla. “Students at Plymouth Scholars Charter Academy aim to create a difference in society.”

Each meal is packed in a brown bag consisting of a combination of non-perishable items including cereal boxes, fruit cups, milk packs, applesauce, chips, macaroni and cheese, chili bowls, crackers and cheese, and soup, to name a few.​​​​​​​
Women delivering food bags

“As a school leader, it’s inspiring to see a student step into action when a need is present in our community,” shared Terenzi. “This learning experience will not only make an impact on the Detroit community, but will also make an impact on Maahika. We are so proud of her!”

If you feel prompted to donate to Maahika’s fundraiser, you can Venmo her at Maahika-Singh. To find out more about MICS, visit