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Plymouth Scholars Raises $9,000 for the American Cancer Society’s ResearcHERS Foundation in Father’s Memory

Macy Moreno, a fourth-grade student at Plymouth Scholars Charter Academy, was the only student-aged brand ambassador out of 78 participants for the American Cancer Society’s ResearcHERS Foundation. When Macy was in third grade, her father passed away from kidney cancer and she has since been on a mission to share her story and raise awareness for cancer research.

"What motivated me through the fundraising process was the idea of raising money in memory of my dad,” said Moreno.

The official campaign period took place May 1 through May 31, 2019, and Macy was the top fundraiser for the campaign in the entire state of Michigan. With an original goal of $5,000, Macy raised $8,648 in one month in honor of her father, Rick Moreno, and all of those who have been affected by cancer. Collectively, the group of 78 women raised $141,246.

“Macy has been such an inspiration throughout this campaign,” said Blythe Moran, executive director of the American Cancer Society. “She is a leader in every sense of the word. As the highest fundraiser in the entire state, Macy is an example of how passion and dedication can drive action.”

ResearcHERS is a cancer-fighting program that empowers women to raise money for female researchers. The money raised will fund women whose innovative research ideas and dedication to discovering lifesaving breakthroughs are bringing us closer to a world without cancer.

“This campaign is really special in that it’s led by women in support of women in science,” said Moran. “These women are passionate, driven, and are making measurable impact by sustaining women-led cancer research, launching new careers, and inspiring a new generation of young women considering careers in science.”

Macy is especially passionate about sharing the story of her journey with other young kids who have experienced or may experience the loss of a close family member. 

"I feel thankful and happy that so many people donated money towards my fight for cancer research,” said Moreno.

Although the campaign ended, Macy’s fundraiser will stay open through December 31, 2019. She has currently raised $9,062; click here to support Macy’s fight for cancer research.