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Meet Our Leadership Team

Benjamin Kriesch

Benjamin Kriesch


Peggy Randolph

Dean of Lower Elementary

Jacob Dolson

Jacob Dolson

Dean of Upper Elementary

Sue Delie

Sue Delie

Dean of Middle School

Heart with quotation marks

What Paragon Charter Academy Parents Are Saying

"The leadership at Pargon is amazing. They are all friendly, approachable, and very authentic. We have had great experience with all staff members with whom we have interacted. I believe that comes from good leadership. It's apparent the staff and teachers are there because they want to be."

 - Paragon Charter Academy Parent

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Meet Our School Board

Our School Board draws from the best local civic and community leaders. They volunteer their time and energy to ensure students at Paragon Charter Academy receive the best education possible. For a schedule of Board meetings, minutes, and more information, visit the Board Documents page or contact us at 517-750-9500.

Kevin Sykes


Robbie Bolton


Jack Baker


Cherilyn Brown


Our Authorizer

Grand Valley State University Logo

We are authorized by Grand Valley State University. They sponsor and monitor us to ensure we achieve academic results and uphold the promises made in our charter.

Learn About Our Authorizer