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College Prep

National Heritage Academies (NHA) schools are committed to preparing all students for high school, college, and beyond. As a college prep school, our curriculum is designed to prepare students to attend a college of their choice and pursue their desired career.
From the moment students step into an NHA school, they focus on college prep. For elementary students, college opportunity means building a solid foundation during the important formative years, creating unlimited potential for the years ahead. For middle school students, college opportunity means making sure they are prepared to excel in high school. This in turn sets students up for their post-secondary education. Each year's curriculum is designed to build on what was taught the previous year. That way, students are always growing and being challenged to succeed.

Graduation cap

What tests are required for college admission?

ACT (American College Testing): The ACT is comprised of four sections: English, math, reading, and science reasoning. Students receive test scores on a scale from 1–36, 36 being the top possible score. Many ACT prep courses are available both online and at local colleges in your area. Check out the official ACT prep guide.
ACT Math Prep
ACT Science Prep
SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test): The SAT is comprised of three sections: math, critical reading, and writing. Students are scored on a point scale from 600–2,400. Most colleges or local education centers offer SAT prep courses online or in class formats. Additional information is available at the official SAT website.
New York Times 5 Study Strategies for the SAT
SAT Sample Questions

How can I help my student prepare for college?

College prep at home is vital for student success. Parents can help their child by talking about college options, taking college visits, and encouraging students to look into a variety of college programs.
Each state has different requirements for college acceptance. As such, each college varies on GPA, ACT, or SAT score requirements. When it comes to researching colleges with your student, it is important to begin early. Identify the expectations and admissions requirements of their desired colleges. Set goals for their high school years, keeping the focus on college dreams.
Research the cost of tuition, books, and room and board for local colleges. You and your child can start a college savings account early. 

NHA CollegeBound™ Scholarship (CBS)

The NHA CollegeBound Scholarship program is all about helping students and families prepare for what’s next.