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Class of 2024: Precious Curry Using Experiences to Work Toward Pediatric Nursing

As high school graduates move on to the next phase of life, some might still be finding the right path for themselves. For 2024 Westfield Preparatory High School graduate Precious Curry, she found hers thanks to a perfect permutation of passions.

Curry is studying and mapping out her course to serve her goal of becoming a pediatric nurse. She said this occupational aspiration came from a combination of three things.

“Since I was younger in elementary school, I have known I wanted to go into the medical field,” Curry said. “I've always wanted to help people and I want to be a nurse, specifically. I work with kids and I really love kids just so it all went together.”

Curry posing with backdrop

She is working hard toward this career path and plans to complete her associate degree next year at Wayne County Community College District. Curry’s success in dual enrollment courses over the last four years has set her up to earn both a high school diploma and associate degree in just five years. After she finishes the job on her first degree, Curry said she is hoping to transfer to the University of Michigan in pursuit of her nursing goals.

The Westfield Prep grad has put in just as much work outside of classroom in her time at the school, which outperformed the local district in 2022-23. Curry has helped with a latchkey program at Detroit Premier Academy and has mentored young girls at Not Our Blueprint, an organization dedicated to teaching girls etiquette and other life skills. Curry is a familiar face at Not Our Blueprint, where she has been involved as a student and mentor since she was in third grade.

Off campus, Curry was the captain of her dance team, a passion she said might still be in her future. Around school, Curry was involved with cheerleading and served as president of the National Honor Society. Curry said her favorite volunteer opportunity with NHS came during a community service event at Grand River Academy.

Curry posing with "24" sign

“We went over there and really got to interact with the kids,” Curry said. “We were doing face painting and working booths. We were interacting with them and they looked up to us.”
While she is continuing her education at Wayne County Community College District next year, Curry had plenty of options. She was accepted at Eastern Michigan, Grand Valley State, Johnson C. Smith University, Jackson State University, and Benedict College.

In her time at Westfield Prep, Curry said she has learned to become more of an independent person. Curry’s message to students coming to Westfield Prep is to make the most of the high school experience.

Curry's Honor Roll awards

“Don’t just come to school and get your work done and put your head down,” Curry said. “Try to do stuff. Get to know your fellow students and teachers. Meet new people and experience as much as you can.”

Good luck and congratulations, Precious!

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About Westfield Preparatory High School
Westfield Preparatory High School is a tuition-free, public charter school in Redford, Michigan, serving students in seventh through 12th grade. It is part of the National Heritage Academies network, which includes more 100 tuition-free, public charter schools serving more than 65,000 students in kindergarten through 12th grade across nine states. For more information, visit

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