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Warrendale Charter Academy Delivers Gratitude Baskets to Local Emergency Personnel

Baskets filled with gratitude and tasty treats were delivered to servicemen and women at Engine 55 Ladder 27 Chief 2 and Detroit Police Department Sixth Precinct by scholars from Warrendale Charter Academy (WCA).
WCA Student Council, with the help of students, staff, and parents, were able to donate 15 baskets to local police officers and firefighters filled with items that ranged from apple cider and donuts to boxed food items, to nuts and crackers.

“We work hard to build community partnerships and we value our servicemen and women,” said Juanamia Kelley, paraprofessional at Warrendale.

Mikayla Hilbert, eighth-grade scholar at Warrendale, shared that she was excited to visit the station and “felt great to be able to help those who risk their lives to help and protect us every day.”

The gratitude didn’t stop there! Dr. Von Glass, principal at WCA, addressed gratitude during their recent Moral Focus assembly, where they presented Officer Morgan Pistolesi with baskets of appreciation for her and her two fellow neighborhood officers for protecting their school community every day.

The Moral Focus virtue for November is gratitude, however, at WCA, they work hard to express their gratefulness and selflessness not only in one month but throughout the year. 

Keep up the great work, Warrendale!