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Falls Keeps Students Safe in More Ways Than One

Kayla Falls previously was a recreation therapist working on inpatient units and hospitals. But she wanted to be on the preventative side of dealing with behavior and helping children and kids.

Now in her sixth year at Triumph Academy as an achievement and behavior support specialist, she couldn’t image being anywhere else.

K-8 School in Monroe: Kayla Falls, middle, is the achievement and behavior support specialist at Triumph Academy.
Kayla Falls, middle, is the achievement and behavior support specialist at Triumph Academy.

“I especially love my team and my co-workers,” she said. “The people that I work with, they definitely make my work environment 10 times better because the work as a behavior specialist is pretty hard some days.”

Falls helps educate and support students with skill building and best practices and works hand-in-hand to support teachers in the classrooms. If a student is having a bad day and needs a confidant, she is there to help.

K-8 School in Monroe: Dress like a middle schooler day at Triumph Academy.
Dress like a middle schooler day at Triumph Academy.

She most enjoys seeing students apply the coping skills she teaches. The specifics vary from student to student, but the process begins by building a relationship and getting to know them on a personal level. Once that trust is established, they can start to be successful in the classroom after a period of struggling.

“I want each student that I spend time with to know that they are valued and that they are seen,” she said. “Even though they may be going through some rough moments in their life, there are people in the schools that do care about them and want to see them achieve great things and become the best person that they can be.”

K-8 School in Monroe: Kayla Falls teaches a leadership elective at Triumph Academy.
Kayla Falls teaches a leadership elective at Triumph Academy.

Falls also is the safety specialist at Triumph, which has outperformed the district for 14 years. Determining which staff members would best serve in a crisis moment and planning logistics to best support our staff and our students can be a lot to handle, but she is up to the task.

“There are days that it’s overwhelming because it’s a lot of different hats to wear,” she said. “But we’ve now completed our third whole school reunification plan successfully, which has been pretty awesome. Now, we’re utilizing our leadership students to help with safety things around the school, which is fun and new.”

K-8 School in Monroe: Kayla Falls also serves as the safety specialist at Triumph Academy.
Kayla Falls also serves as the safety specialist at Triumph Academy.

Keep up the excellent work, Mrs. Falls!

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About Triumph Academy
Triumph Academy is a tuition-free, public charter school in Monroe, Michigan, serving students in kindergarten through eighth grade. It is part of the National Heritage Academies network, which includes more than 100 tuition-free, public charter schools serving more than 65,000 students in kindergarten through 12th grade across nine states. For more information, visit

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