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2023 Taylor Prep Graduate Finds ‘Village’ of Support at NHA

Camajah Moore-Harris came to Taylor Exemplar Academy on a 504 plan to accommodate her educational needs. Now, she is graduating as an honor student at Taylor Preparatory High School.
Her mother, Cortisha Moore, credits the support and attentiveness of the National Heritage Academies (NHA) teachers and staff at Taylor for helping Camajah’s growth and educational success. That support can include small group instruction, tests being read aloud, and help putting together a senior portfolio. Through professional development and regular meetings, the staff at Taylor Prep constantly is looking for new innovative practices for each student’s needs.
 Camajah Moore-Harris wearing graduation gown.
Camajah Moore-Harris is part of Taylor Prep’s Class of 2023.
“We needed a village and Taylor Exemplar became that support system, understanding our needs and letting me know Camajah was in good hands,” Moore said. “The NHA teachers were very supportive and understanding regarding Camajah’s disability. They always had open communication with me.”
Moore was driven to advocate for her daughter’s education after Camajah was diagnosed with autism at 3 years old. Her life-changing moment came when she enrolled at Taylor Examplar in 2016 at 11 years old. Since that time, she has thrived, with music being a key part of fostering that success during her high school years.

Camajah Moore-Harris holding a congratulations sign.

Camajah plays the baritone horn, or euphonium, and while she generally keeps to herself, she wasn’t shy to ask questions and learn.
“She’s grown a ton as a musician,” Music Teacher and Band Director Taylor Mitchell said. “She’s become a very, very good euphonium player. I personally feel she has grown also in her interactions with her peers. When we started she was really quiet and kept to herself. She still stays in her own lane, but she has gotten particularly good at opening up; she’s not afraid to open up and be social with her friends. Music does really great things, and it’s helped her shine.”
 Camajah Moore-Harris smiling.

Being a brass instrument with a wide-rimmed mouthpiece, playing the euphonium became challenging during the COVID-19 pandemic, setting a lot of musicians back. When students returned to in-person learning, Camajah often asked questions others might have been afraid to ask and is one of the few students who consistently comes in for tutoring.
“Coming back [after the pandemic] meant a lot of rebuilding,” Mitchell said. “Camajah did a great job not only of growing herself but also to help rebuild the program. She helps herself grow and helps others grow.”

Camajah Moore-Harris playing tuba.

Mitchell has had Camajah as a student only for a couple of years but with her and the students’ marked improvement, the band has added another ensemble. After graduation she plans to go to cosmetology school, which will be bittersweet for Mitchell and those at Taylor.
“I selfishly wish I could keep her, because she’s awesome, but she’s got to graduate and be a grown up,” Mitchell said. “Our kids are improving quickly, and Camajah has had a huge part in that. We (the band program) wouldn’t have gotten as far as we have gotten without her.”
Congratulations, Camajah!

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About Taylor Preparatory High School 
Taylor Preparatory High School is a tuition-free, public charter school in Taylor, Michigan, serving students in ninth through 12th grade. It is part of the National Heritage Academies network, which includes 99 tuition-free, public charter schools serving more than 65,000 students in kindergarten through 12th grade across nine states. For more information, visit

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