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How Teachers Gear Up for a New School Year

The first day of school brings nervous anticipation for just about everyone, including teachers. Samantha LaCroix, a fifth-grade teacher at Sky Ranch Academy, has been busy preparing for the big day.

LaCroix balances the excitement and nerves that come with the start of the new school year, which began Aug. 8 for Sky Ranch. "I am very excited," she shared. "I’m pumped to see some familiar faces and get to know new ones. But yes, I definitely still get those nervous jitters."

Her father has a saying that puts it all in perspective: "You wouldn’t be nervous if you didn’t care so much."

Samantha LaCroix tries to create an inviting and calming space for her students in her classroom.

To manage those pre-school jitters, LaCroix has a routine that involves both professional and personal self-care. “At school, I have a checklist I go through, prioritizing what truly matters today and tomorrow. But once I’m home, I’ll snuggle my cats and do something mindless. I need to be my best self for the first day because I can’t pour from an empty bucket,” she explained.

This is the second school year for Sky Ranch Academy, and LaCroix has been busy making sure her classroom is ready. “I spent a lot of time over the summer rethinking and redoing some of my classroom materials and management plans. I really focused on professional development, diving into new classroom management techniques and whole-brain teaching.”

Creating an inviting and calming space for her students has also been a priority for LaCroix. “I’ve chosen neutral, calming colors and added light covers to soften the lighting. My classroom is very student-friendly, with comfy spots for calming down. I want the environment to be a place where kids feel at ease and ready to learn.”

For LaCroix, the start of the school year isn’t just about academics — it’s about building a strong, supportive classroom culture. She’s focused on creating a space where every student feels valued. “We’re planning a lot of team-building activities and read-alouds about identity and celebrating diversity. Setting boundaries and establishing what’s acceptable in our classroom is crucial so that we can create a culture where everyone feels accepted.”

Moral Focus virtues also play an important role in the classroom and overall school culture. LaCroix particularly values compassion and self-control for her fifth graders. “We struggle with compassion and self-control at this age, so I like to focus on those. I also like to remind myself to have compassion as well.”

For LaCroix, the most rewarding part of teaching is the connection with her students. "I want to make sure my students know that they are somebody, that they matter to someone — and that someone is always going to be in this classroom if it’s nowhere else."

Despite the nerves, LaCroix is looking forward to the energy that the new school year brings. "We have a lot of change this year, but I think it’s really good change. I’m most excited to build the classroom community that I know we can.”

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About Sky Ranch Academy
Sky Ranch Academy is a tuition-free, public charter school in Watkins, Colorado, serving students in kindergarten through seventh grade. It is part of the National Heritage Academies network, which includes more than 100 tuition-free, public charter schools serving more than 65,000 students in kindergarten through 12th grade across nine states. For more information, visit

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