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Things Get Scientific at Reach Charter Academy

The school community at Reach Charter Academy was in their element as they participated in the 3rd annual Science Night, a night dedicated to bonding and engaging in science-related activities.

Each grade level team facilitated an activity for a total of nine activities. Students and their families played animal traits heads up, engineered a way to hold a book with toothpicks and gummy worms, made a folded piece of cardboard jump high in the air by the pulling force of a rubber band, and planted windowsill herb gardens out of recycled water bottles.

“Investigating science concepts makes learning fun, and we also love the community-building aspect of this event,” shared Alissa Dayringer, third-grade teacher at Reach. “Families worked together at each activity, and parents and teachers were able to connect in a positive way outside of school.”

The most popular stations included using static electricity to create a levitation device, making slime, force and motion mini golf, and creating chain reactions while constructing Rube Goldberg machines, which is a machine named after American cartoonist Rube Goldberg and is intentionally designed to perform a simple task in an indirect and overly complicated way. 

“Students used perseverance to try again if they were not successful the first time. We heard tons of ‘how cool’s’ and laughter as the event went on,” Dayringer said.

Keep it up, Reach!