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Quest Charter Academy School-wide Contest Promotes Reading Month, Creativity

The staff at Quest Charter Academy was looking for a way for all scholars to take part in March is Reading Month and encourage creativity at the same time. A contest for best bookmark was started and saw artistic competition thrive between classes in each wing of the school.
 One of the runner-up bookmarks.
One of the runner-up bookmarks.

The competition drew over 300 entries, with each wing contributing at least 100. The theme was open to the students’ creative visions. The administration team narrowed the field down to the top three entries for each wing, then the entire staff voted for wing winners.
Winning Bookmark Creators:
K-2: Abigail Gallegos
3-5: Myranda Baker
6-8: Abigail Wilson
“We were all amazed at the time, effort, and talent put into the bookmarks,” said Dean of Lower Elementary Bethany Garbutt. “We also loved seeing that many of them were a family collaboration. We love when we can get students and families working together on activities like this.”
 Another of the runner-up bookmarks.
One of the runner-up bookmarks.

The winners were narrowed down by effort, design, and connection to school culture. It’s a culture that’s strong at Quest, which has outperformed the local district for the past seven years.
“We pride ourselves in having an intentional focus on our Moral Focus virtues, and each bookmark that was selected included some type of inspiring message or incorporated our Moral Focus virtues.”
Winning scholars each received a book, their picture on the Quest Facebook page, and their bookmark will be color-copied and given to every student in their grade.

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About Quest Charter Academy
Quest Charter Academy is a tuition-free, public charter school in Taylor, Michigan, serving students in kindergarten through eighth grade. It is part of the National Heritage Academies network, which includes more than 100 tuition-free, public charter schools serving more than 65,000 students in kindergarten through 12th grade across nine states. For more information, visit

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