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The Price of Being Nice: Acts of Kindness Raise $47,000 for Queen’s Grant Community

Amelia Earhart once said, “A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.” Students at Queen’s Grant Community School believe an act of kindness, no matter how big or small can make a difference. To raise money to support student learning, Queen’s Grant participated in a kindness-focused fundraising campaign called Raise Craze.

Raise Craze provides the tools necessary for planning a fundraising event. This includes an acts of kindness list, incentive ideas, communications, the go-to guide, checklist, and calendar. There’s no selling, pledges, contracts, or deposits involved, only donations.

Students did everything from picking up their neighbor’s trash to helping local charities in need. They displayed kindness by supporting their local police and fire department with thank you cards and homemade treats. One student even delivered 200 hand-written cards to Atrium Health Levine Children’s Hospital and a local nursing home!

Children raking leaves

“Words cannot express how proud I am of every scholar who has gone out and performed an act of kindness,” said Krista Tolchin, principal at Queen’s Grant. “It fills my heart to know how many people our scholars have affected in a good way just by showing kindness.”

An entire kindergarten class made posters and signs with their notes and pictures to give out to community service workers. Their teacher, Mrs. Katie Nieves delivered each one for them! ​​​​​​​

Child at a table writing

“I love that this gives the kids motivation to do acts of kindness rather than just sell or ask for money. They get the feeling of accomplishment from doing the act of kindness and the appreciative response from others whom they are serving as well as a small prize at the end. I think it’s a great way to instill community service in them. I think it helps them see how they, even as children can make a difference. How empowering!” said Angie Gotta, parent and PTI member.

During the fundraiser, students showed their appreciation to donors by completing acts of kindness for others. At the end of the three-week campaign, Queen’s Grant students completed over 2,000 acts of kindness and raised over $47,000.

Children standing with arms folded next to boxes of food

All money raised goes to support teacher classroom allowances, grade-level allowances, art, music, and physical education departments, library supplies, the musical/drama department, staff appreciation and hospitality, and other programs that enhance the student learning experience

Tolchin explained that projects like this are a great way to instill community service in students. It helps them see how they, even as children, can make a difference. “Happiness is contagious. The positive effects of kindness affect everyone who witnesses the act, improving their mood, and making them significantly more likely to pay it forward. This means one good deed can create a domino effect and improve the day of so many people!” she said. ​​​​​​​

A child's drawing that says Thank you Mr. Mail Man

This fundraiser aligns closely with the school’s emphasis on Moral Focus. Every month a different Moral Focus virtue is featured throughout the school because they care about developing the whole student, heart and character included. Virtues include respect, compassion, gratitude, and encouragement, to name a few.

By using these virtues, it makes the school a safe, caring place to learn and grow. Outside the classroom, it reinforces the strong moral values that help children interact with their friends, families, and communities with respect and care. ​​​​​​​

Boy smiling

“Performing acts of kindness not only impact others, but they also influence you,” shared Tolchin. “When you are compassionate, if only in a small way, feel-good chemicals flood your system, and your mindset changes. Your kind actions begin to influence how other people behave and feel.”

Students will celebrate on Saturday, Nov. 7 with a school-wide drive-thru “Kindness Parade”. During the celebration, students will witness their principal being dunked!