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Special Guests Visit Prevail for National Reading Month

Prevail Academy recently celebrated National Reading Month by having a variety of special guests visit the school to read to the scholars. During their visits, the guests also shared stories and insights about their careers.

“One of our top goals is to have our scholars develop and sustain a life-long love of reading,” said Lindsey Glazer, reading specialist at Prevail. “The best predictor of future achievement and life success is reading ability; and more importantly, being an engaged reader. Finding ways to develop engaged readers is important to every child and is a top priority at Prevail Academy.”

Two local government officials stopped by to speak to scholars. The Mayor of Mount Clemens, Barb Dempsey, read “The Silly Mayor” and spent time with second- and third-grade classes, and Senator Peter Lucido discussed the workings of the U.S. government with fourth- and fifth-grade scholars before reading “My Senator and Me.”

“Students were highly engaged during the read aloud,” said Glazer. “Many students learned new social studies vocabulary, and about our local and state government during our mayor and senator visit!”

One Disney favorite, Princess Belle, also stopped by to read books to Prevail’s kindergarten-, first-, and second-grade students. She read about Moral Focus, highlighting the importance of encouragement. Students enjoyed Belle’s “read-and-respond style,” which connected speaking and listening skills. The students also appreciated seeing the princess’ expressions and excitement to display feelings from the books.  

One local celebrity also joined in on the celebrations. Nick Monacelli, news reporter at NBC Channel 4, visited several fifth- and sixth-grade classes to read “The Day the Crayons Quit.” He also shared a day in the life of a news reporter and explained what it is like to work in journalism.