Programs & Activities
Learning is a lifelong process that extends beyond the walls of the classroom. At Phoenix Academy, students can explore their interests, learn new skills, and make new friends through a variety of extracurricular activities. Learn more about what we offer below.

Advanced PE | Honors Band III & IV | Orchestra I & II |
American Sign Language I | Honors Orchestra III & IV | PE/Health |
Band I & II | Honors Spanish III | SAT Prep |
Chorus I & II | Honors Visual Arts III | Sociology |
Drama | Intro to Computer Science | Spanish I & II |
English as a Second Language | Journalism I & II | Visual Arts I & II |
Filmmaking I & II | Media Design |
College Prep
Phoenix Academy offers college prep opportunities to scholars. These opportunities include: college campus visits, on-site college visits, and college counseling.
Learn more about College Counseling
Learn more about College Counseling
We offer one-to-one technology, with each student receiving their own Chromebook.
Athletics at Phoenix Academy
Visit our athletics page to see which sports we offer, check sports schedules, and learn more about our program.
Phoenix AthleticsClubs
Based on student interest and staff/parent sponsor availability. Examples include:
- Chess
- Creative Writing
- Debate
- Japanese Culture
- Service Learning
- Student Council
Phoenix Academy hosts a variety of events each year. Some examples of events are:
- 8th Grade Picnic
- Band and Orchestra Performances
- Black History Program
- Bingo Night
- Book Fairs
- Boosterthon Fun Run
- Candy Cane Lane Christmas Store
- Daddy-Daughter Dance (K-5th)
- End-of-School Field Days
- Fall Carnival
- International Night
- Mother-Son Bowling (K-5th)
- Movie Nights
- Rising Freshman Events (8th)
- School Archeological Dig (8th)
- School Dances
Field Trips
Vary each year. Examples include:
- Carolina Tiger Reserve
- Discovery Place (Charlotte, NC)
- Duke Energy Center for the Performing Arts
- Durham Performing Arts Center
- Engineering Day at Carowinds (Charlotte, NC)
- Fire Station
- Greensboro Zoo
- Museum of Life and Science
- Naylor Family Farm & Giant Corn Maze
- NC Museum of Natural Science
- NC Symphony
- The Nutcracker - Carolina Ballet
- Pullen Park
- Washington, D.C. (8th Grade)
"My child has attended Phoenix since kindergarten and is now in the 10th grade. I love the connections she has made with other students and staff. I also love the family centered approach and the growth that she has experienced here."
- Phoenix Academy Parent