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Peak Charter Academy Student Named CollegeBound™ Scholarship Recipient

Filled with excitement, Spencer Wingate, eighth-grade student at Peak Charter Academy, walked outside his house to see school leaders and teachers in his driveway with a surprise!
During a drive-by celebratory graduation parade, Peak staff stopped at Wingate’s house to share the exciting news that he is a 2020 CollegeBound™ Scholarship recipient and to deliver a giant check for winning the scholarship. The one-time $5,000 scholarship will go towards his college education.

“Spencer is intellectual, inquisitive, and caring. He is a hard worker and rises to the challenge,” said Marva Pittman, dean of middle school at Peak. “Spencer is very friendly and respectful to adults and to his peers. He has great leadership skills and uses those to impact his school positively. He always has a smiling face, even when he is feeling down. We are certainly going to miss Spencer; he has been a great Peak Pirate!”
Wingate is one of only four recipients of the annual CollegeBoundTM Scholarship, courtesy of National Heritage Academies (NHA). Students from 89 schools in nine states across the country applied for the scholarship. The is Peak’s second year in a row having a CollegeBoundTM Scholarship winner, with Gabrielle Spehar being last year’s Peak winner.
Wingate was selected from hundreds of applicants after being reviewed by the CollegeBound Scholarship Committee, which considers academic performance, community involvement, and a written essay. The essay focuses on one of four topics related to the school’s Moral Focus curriculum, which teaches students to be well-rounded individuals by teaching monthly virtues, such as gratitude and encouragement.

Peak student Spencer Wingate

“It is our pleasure to recognize Spencer Wingate as a recipient of the 2020 CollegeBound Scholarship,” said Brian Britton, CEO of National Heritage Academies. “We are so proud of his dedication and hard work in the classroom and beyond. We look forward to seeing the many good things he will go on to accomplish.”
Wingate has volunteered at Western Wake Crisis Ministry packing boxes of food for delivery to soup kitchens, and at Noah’s Ark Childcare as a junior counselor.
All NHA eighth-grade students were eligible to enter for their chance at the scholarship. The winners were chosen by an independent professional selection group, based on the students’ essay submission, academics, and community service.
A special video was shared during the celebration announcing the news.
Congratulations, Spencer!