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Mill Creek Academy - One School Changes Everything

Curriculum at Mill Creek Academy

Join Dr. Nick Sheltrown, Chief Learning Office at National Heritage Academies, to learn more about Mill Creek's curriculum. From personalized instruction to technology integration, this video highlights our commitment to nurturing well-rounded individuals who are prepared to thrive in the ever-changing world.

Mill Creek Academics

Math at Mill Creek Academy

Two members from NHA®'s curriculum team explain the math curriculum at Mill Creek and give a sample lesson.

Mill Creek Academics

English Language Arts at Mill Creek Academy

Two members from NHA's curriculum team give a sample ELA lesson and explain the ELA curriculum at Mill Creek.

Mill Creek Academics

Meet Principal Joe Sellenheim

Principal Joe Sellenheim is excited about being part of the newly constructed Mill Creek Academy. However, it’s the construction that will continue inside the classroom that really matters most. And he’s the perfect leader to make that happen.

Mill Creek Leadership

Personalized Teaching

Whether your child would benefit from specialized instruction or thrive under an advanced learning program, Mill Creek Academy has the resources and experience to satisfy all needs.

Mill Creek Personalized Teaching

Measuring Success

At Mill Creek Academy, we're here to help children grow and succeed. We answer the important question "are students learning" by measuring student success in a number of ways. This gives our principal, deans, and teachers information they can turn into action.

Mill Creek Academics

Hear From Students & Parents

We value relationships with our families. Both students and parents are welcome at our school, and we are excited to partner with parents to give their children the best chance at succeeding.

Meet an NHA Family