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Metro Charter Academy Adopts House System to Motivate Students

This fall, Metro Charter Academy school leaders and staff introduced a new “house system,” which sorts students into six different houses. The system aims to foster a sense of community by grouping all students and staff into six houses. Students can earn points through positive contributions to the community, by exemplifying strong moral character, and through earning academic achievements. 

Staff members organized a special school-wide assembly to sort the students into their houses. To help build the excitement, a local DJ attended and played music throughout the sorting ceremony.

Tiffany Willard, middle school dean at Metro, called each student by name and asked them to come forward and stand in a dedicated area to await their house announcement. Once all the students were assembled, Dean Willard announced the house, and staff sprayed the students with silly string in their house color. Students were also given special house wrist bands and lanyards in their house color to build on the sense of community.

“This house system has been a fantastic implementation and contributes to our positive school culture,” said Jillian Misenar, dean of upper elementary at Metro Charter Academy. “Students work very hard to support their house, and that makes Metro an exceptional choice for their families!”

In recognition of Metro’s school mascot, the Jets, each house has been given a jet-themed name, including the Hornets, Raptors, Mustangs, Voyagers, Shooting Stars, and Fortresses. Each house also has its own unique color and Moral Focus virtue.

“Each week at the whole-school Moral Focus assembly, the points and house rankings are shared out,” said Misenar. “This is such an exciting time for students because they earn weekly rewards. Last week, the Mustangs earned cider mill donuts!”

To commemorate the new house system, Mrs. Heather Smith-Elliot, art teacher at Metro, inspired students to create a school-wide art project featuring self-portraits. The portraits were created on colored paper to match their house colors and are currently on display in the main hallway, creating a rainbow mural. 

“Students love seeing their work and the work of others displayed in such a fantastic way,” said Misenar.