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Million Bazillion Event Engages Students in Financial Literacy

Students at Landmark Academy at Reunion had a great time learning about financial literacy through the Million Bazillion live game show.
Jenna Reeves, principal at Landmark Academy at Reunion, described the event as "awesome" and explained that the school was selected as one of only three in Colorado to host the event. "We felt honored to be picked to host their inaugural event," Reeves remarked.

Landmark students on stage.
The Million Bazillion show is a traveling program aimed at promoting financial literacy in middle schools across the country. It’s quite a production, with set up starting at 5:30 in the morning. According to Reeves, "They brought in a huge stage, set up everything, and had actors."
Students from grades six through eight participated as contestants in games designed to teach financial concepts in a fun and engaging way, similar to those seen on popular television game shows. "We had two shows with 12 of our students as contestants. They competed in 'Price is Right' type games," shared Reeves.

Landmark students playing "Price is Right" type games.
All the games had a financial twist, like determining whether prices were from the past, present, or future to understand the concept of inflation. One of the most popular was a financial version of Plinko. "They dropped a coin down and determined the final prize," explained Reeves.
Prizes ranged from a year's subscription to financial literacy resources for the school, a pizza party for the winning class, or the chance to pie a staff member in the face. "It's funny how the kids always went for the pie," she laughed.
Landmark student playing Plinko.

Reeves mentioned that the students enjoyed the experience. “The feedback from students was great. They were really engaged and wished the show could have lasted longer."
Teachers also appreciated the event’s educational value, noting it was a fun way for students to learn about financial decision-making. It's just one of the ways Landmark Academy has been outperforming the local district for the past 14 years.  

Landmark teacher getting pied in the face.

"Anytime you can make learning related to real life while also having fun and being silly, it makes it more engaging and memorable," Reeves explained. “This is something that the kids will always remember being a part of.”
Great job making learning fun and helping prepare students for future financial decision-making!

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About Landmark Academy at Reunion 
Landmark Academy at Reunion is a tuition-free, public charter school in Commerce City, Colorado, serving students in kindergarten through eighth grade. It is part of the National Heritage Academies network, which includes more than 100 tuition-free, public charter schools serving more than 65,000 students in kindergarten through 12th grade across nine states. For more information, visit

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