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Students at Detroit Premier Academy Hit the Pavement for Fun Run

It was a day filled with sweat, smiles, and fundraising as Detroit Premier Academy recently hosted a spring Fun Run to support a worthy cause. Athletic Director and Physical Education Teacher Mark Maxwell II organized the event, stating, “The Fun Run raised money for the upcoming sports banquet."

Detroit Premier students running in Fun Run

Students reached out to family and friends, securing pledges to fund the banquet. Everyone from kindergarteners to eighth graders participated, embracing the challenge to move for 35 minutes. But it wasn’t only about running; it was about promoting overall physical activity. Some students opted to walk, while others challenged their teachers to races and other competitions. "I think the best part of the event was students getting out of class and interacting with teachers in a different setting. It was a good way for the kids to engage in friendly competition," shared Coach Maxwell.

The Fun Run also provided an opportunity for students to get a little extra exercise while enjoying the outdoors. "Especially in this era we live in, it's important for students to get outside, stay active with their peers, and connect with their parents and teachers."

Detroit Premier students running in Fun Run

To add more school spirit, each team proudly wore their designated colors throughout the event: white for the K-1 team led by Mrs. El-amin, blue for the 2-3 graders with Mrs. Hayes, gold for Dr. Pryor's 4-5 graders, and black for Ms. Ways’ middle school team.

Parents enjoyed themselves so much they spent time brainstorming ideas for next year’s event, hoping to include a student vs. parent competition. Support like this may be one reason that Detroit Premier Academy outperforms the local district in all subjects.

Detroit Premier staff and families at the Fun Run

Coach Maxwell expressed his gratitude for the overwhelming love and support from the DPA family. High five, Mr. Maxwell, for encouraging kids to stay active and have a great time in the process!

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About Detroit Premier Academy
Detroit Premier Academy is a tuition-free, public charter school in Detroit, Michigan, serving students in kindergarten through eighth grade. It is part of the National Heritage Academies network, which includes more than 100 tuition-free, public charter schools serving more than 65,000 students in kindergarten through 12th grade across nine states. For more information, visit
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