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Meet Detroit Enterprise Principal Emily Gagnon

If you want to see someone who leads from their heart, look no further than Ms. Emily Gagnon. Even before becoming an educator, Emily has always had a heart to help children and people in need. “I always knew I wanted to be in education. I led preschool at church, Catechism classes in high school, and I was a babysitter and loved working with kids. I also volunteered in the playroom at the Children’s Hospital in Detroit, supporting children that were hospitalized for long periods of time. I would bring them to a room when they didn’t have visitors and we would do arts and crafts together.”
When Emily chose Central Michigan University for her undergrad, she knew right away she would pursue education. She graduated in December and began serving as a substitute until she landed a full-time teaching job in toddler early education. She later transitioned to Detroit Enterprise Academy and has served in a variety of capacities here for the past 15 years. We’re thrilled to have her now at the helm as principal.
“My hope for all students is that they’re able to read, that they’re successful in life, and that they’re good people. It’s about more than just the curriculum – it’s honing in on Moral Focus and making sure they’re good humans in the world.” Ms. Gagnon’s love of volunteerism has carried over into her leadership, too.
“Our students have participated in International Brown Bag Lunches of Love, Motor City Mitten Mission, and Operation Love in addition to other nonprofit initiatives. “For a few years the kids made 1,000-2,000 lunches to donate and wrote love notes to put in the bags. No matter their age, they can make a positive difference in people’s lives.”
We’re excited to see Ms. Gagnon continue her legacy here. “I’ve been here so long, I have a student that has graduated college! I love building relationships with students here at our school. The staff and I are committed to ensuring a high-quality learning environment. We were recently recognized as a 5-Star School of Excellence within NHA. We believe that our focus on academic excellence, Moral Focus, parental partnerships, and student responsibility has led to this success. Together we will continue to be the best school in the city of Detroit.”
In her free time, Emily loves spending time with her husband, daughter, and dog. They enjoy boating, reading, and volunteering.

About Detroit Enterprise Academy
Detroit Enterprise Academy is a tuition-free, public charter school in Byron Center, Michigan, serving students in Young 5s through eighth grade. It is part of the National Heritage Academies network, which includes more than 100 tuition-free, public charter schools serving more than 65,000 students in kindergarten through 12th grade across nine states. For more information, visit

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