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Take Family Action for Endangered Species Day

Amber Brandt  |  May 16, 2022
Have you ever explained the topic of endangered animals to your child? This Friday, May 20th marks the 17th annual Endangered Species Day. While this doesn’t really seem to be a day you want to “celebrate,” it’s a perfect opportunity to learn about threatened animals facing extinction, and how your family can take action to protect them.
A quick internet search can help you find coordinated activities in your community to facilitate these conversations. Check out local libraries, zoos, or nonprofits to see what special programs or events are slated for the week. You can also go here, to get started.
Check out these links to begin the conversation and answer common questions your child may ask:
What is an Endangered Species? Great resources here and here.
How many endangered animals are there? 40% of all organisms!
Which animals are most in danger of extinction? Here’s a list.
How do animals become endangered? Discover their biggest threats here.
How can we help? Three great sites to help your family take action are here, here, and here.
Species endangerment is a big issue to tackle and it may feel like your family’s efforts barely move the needle – but they still matter! When we all work together, change can happen. Begin by educating yourselves, raising awareness, and following the practical tips outlined above.

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