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Our 2021 Summer Reading List

Amber Brandt  |  July 06, 2021
The best way to help your child become a strong reader is to serve up lots of great books! When it comes to building their library at home, it’s a good rule of thumb to choose books from the grade level your child will be going into (unless they need modifications up or down). Not sure what their current reading level is? Try this 5 Finger Test first.

Here is a short list categorized by age to point you toward some of today’s top titles for your child:

Preschool picture books 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade 6th Grade 7th Grade Teens ages 13-18 Not particularly interested in any of the above titles? No problem! Click here for more than 100 books specially for Pre-K to 12 years old, or Brightly for even more ideas. And if your child has access to a Kindle or device, you may want to explore this resource that provides 15 of the Best Places to Find Free Books Online.

Happy reading!

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