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Let’s Celebrate International Women in Engineering Day

Amber Brandt  |  June 19, 2018

This Saturday, June 23rd, is International Women in Engineering Day (#INWED18). This special campaign was launched in the UK in 2014, designed to raise awareness of women in engineering, and has grown in popularity and reach since.

Last year was the first time this special day went international, due to interest and enthusiasm from a broader audience. The hashtag #INWED17 trended continuously on the day of the campaign, and reached the number 2 spot, being only slightly edged out by the hashtag #bringyourdogtoworkday!

One practical way you can celebrate and raise awareness for this special campaign in your own home, is to focus attention on the amazing career opportunities available to girls in this exciting industry, or by identifying and celebrating the outstanding achievements of women engineers throughout the world. (For instance, did you know women invented the circular saw, windshield wipers and the first computer algorithm!?)

INWED18 has 3 primary purposes:

  1. Women — Support women to achieve their potential as engineers, applied scientists and leaders and to reward excellence.
  2. Education — Encourage and promote the education, study and application of engineering.
  3. Sustainability — Work with organizations and influencers to promote gender diversity and equality in the workplace and sustain the historic legacy and future effectiveness of the Women’s Engineering Society.

The theme for this year’s International Women in Engineering Day is “Raising the Bar.” How can you raise the bar for the girls in your life — inspiring them to consider STEM professions? How they can be empowered to consider and contribute to this exciting industry? Here are 3 inspiring videos you can watch with them to get the conversation started:


1. This video features a surprising and interesting list of inventions made by women — the video asks young girls, “What are you going to make?”

2. Enjoy this Inspiring footage from an energy event held for middle school girls who spent a few hours learning the mechanics, then automated circuitry and a variety of hands on projects.

3. Inspiring video about redefining gender stereotypes in the classroom. This one’s a tear jerker! 

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