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Easy Summer Cooking with Kids

Amber Brandt  |  August 05, 2019

Have you ever found yourself worn out and sweaty from running errands, only to remember you have a hungry family that wants yet another meal? We’ve all been there! Why not turn to a few simple recipes you can whip up with your kids — without turning on the stove or oven! They’ll love an opportunity to help you in the kitchen, and you’ll love giving them healthy options you didn’t have to slave over. Here are a few of our favorite mains, sides and snacks:

  1. Fruit salad on a stick. Take fruit salad from the bowl to the skewer with this fun-to-eat fresh treat. You can line the skewer with watermelon squares, or a fruit from every color of the rainbow.
  2. Chicken or tuna salad. Drain a can of tuna or shred pieces from a rotisserie chicken to make a tasty salad. Mix with mayo, mustard or plain greek yogurt, add a little honey if you wish, then mix with salt, pepper, halved grapes and sliced almonds. You can serve them on traditional bread, or buttery croissants for something a little more elevated.
  3. Healthy energy bites. The options for these little protein packed wonders are endless. Here is an Ultimate Guide to Oatmeal Energy Bars.
  4. Yogurt parfaits. Simply pick your favorite yogurt, fruit and granola, then layer them in a clear glass. For extra fun, you can add mini-chocolate chips, dried coconut, or top with whip cream and sprinkles.
  5. Guacamole. Everyone knows how easy it is to eat your weight in free chips at the Mexican restaurant — but here’s a no-fail recipe you can use to make your own guac at home. Omit or add whatever you wish!
  6. Smoothies. Best made with frozen fruit, smoothies are a great at-home option for a refreshing and filling drink, that feels like a snack! Plus, they’re super versatile, because you can make them with whatever you have on hand… almond milk, yogurt, ice, fruit, protein powder, you name it. Here are some yummy ideas to get you started.
  7. Broccoli salad. This recipe may just be the easiest way to get your kids to eat their greens! It’s savory and sweet, so it’s sure to please.
  8. Peaches (or any fruit!) and cream. All you need is heavy whipping cream, a hand mixer and the fruit of your choice. Simply whip the cream (add cinnamon, sugar or vanilla or almond extract if you prefer) and top your favorite fruit.
  9. Grill it up. So this technically fits on our list because it doesn’t require any of your inside appliances, but it isn’t necessarily something you can do with your kids. But who can resist anything cooked on a grill?? Check out our ultimate summer grilling guide for some great options.

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