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Children's Book Week 2020

Amber Brandt  |  November 09, 2020

Did you know Children’s Book Week is the longest-running national literacy initiative in the United States? It is not only a celebration of reading, but of creating connections. Children’s Book Week is an opportunity for kids and adults to come together and celebrate the books, authors, and illustrators they enjoy. It’s also a great excuse to curl up in a cozy corner to read.

Each year, schools, libraries, and bookstores hold special events nationwide – but 2020 is extra special. Like every other public celebration, Children’s Book Week has adjusted to be easily celebrated at home.

The theme for 2020 is Read. Dream. Share. Here are a few ideas to observe the week at home:

  1. Dress up like your favorite book characters and act out a scene together.
  2. Check out our local library online to see how they’re celebrating and join.
  3. Have a ZOOM call every night this week with another family and take turns reading a book aloud together before bed.
  4. Draw a picture or make a craft that corresponds with a favorite book or scene.
  5. Complete MadLibs together as a family
  6. Challenge yourself to mark as many types of books off this list as possible.
  7. Explore items from the list below:

Coloring pages
Videos featuring well-known children’s authors and illustrators

For more ideas, visit or check out these 14 ways to get free books for your kids.

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