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National Heritage Academies' Leadership Summit 2024

NHA Communications Team  |  July 25, 2024
National Heritage Academies' Leadership Summit 2024 was recently held in Grand Rapids, Michigan, bringing together leaders from partner schools across the country. It was more than just a conference; it was an event designed to inspire and equip school leaders to embrace the NHA mindset.

This year's theme, "Relentless," captured the spirit of the summit. President and Chief Learning Officer Nick Sheltrown emphasized the importance of having high expectations for all students and an unrelenting commitment to enacting proven practices with consistency.

National Heritage Academies: President and CLO Dr. Sheltrown and Author Robert Pondiscio talk to group.
From left: Author Robert Pondiscio and NHA President and Chief Learning Officer Nick Sheltrown field questions from school leaders.

There was also an emphasis placed on NHA’s Brand Promise, which revolves around three things: academic rigor, moral focus, and a safe environment.

The summit was packed with sessions designed to give leaders the tools and insights they need to foster educational excellence. One of the highlights was the introduction of a new assessment cycle to help leaders analyze common assessment results and use data to support student growth.

National Heritage Academies: Summerfield Principal working with his team.
Summerfield Charter Academy Principal Rudy Swofford works with his team during a session.

Panel discussions covered key academic priorities such as attrition, behavior, chronic absenteeism, and engagement. These panels offered leaders the opportunity to share strategies, discuss challenges, and collaborate on solutions.

National Heritage Academies: DSQ Barajas works with leaders from PreEminent Charter School.
DSQ Wendy Barajas works with leaders from PreEminent Charter School.
In addition to the panels, the summit featured breakout sessions for deeper dives into specific topics and hands-on learning experiences, including:
  • Safety Crisis Prevention
  • Behave with Care
  • Moral Focus
  • Building Your Bench
  • Cultivating Resilient Leadership
  • Coaching Deans
National Heritage Academies: North Dayton School of Discovery working together during session.
The leadership team from North Dayton School of Discovery works together during a breakout session.

The Leadership Summit wasn't just about learning; it was also about connecting. Informal gatherings, discussion groups, and social events allowed leaders to share experiences, exchange ideas, and build lasting relationships.

About National Heritage Academies
National Heritage Academies (NHA) is a network of more than 100 tuition-free, public charter schools across nine states, serving more than 65,000 students in kindergarten through 12th grade. For more information, visit

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