Senior Business Partner Supports Leaders
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Articles by NHA Communications Team
Foundations Academy a Welcome Environment During a Life-Threatening Scare
Published: Apr 14, 2023
Foundations Teacher Appreciation: Celebrating Educators in Colorado
Published: May 06, 2022
Two Virtual Grades, One Great Foundations Educator
Published: Mar 25, 2021
Foundations Students Make Thanksgiving Meals Possible for Families in Need
Published: Nov 20, 2020
The coronavirus pandemic has meant long days and new projects for many, and business partners are no different. As a senior business partner (BP) at National Heritage Academies (NHA), Jasmine DeRosia’s role is essentially to function as the human resources person for a select number of schools by supporting talent management, talent performance, and employee engagement.
“Jasmine is always willing to go above and beyond her role even when she is already working very long days,” said Jami Hoeksema, assistant chief academic officer at NHA. “The [directors of school quality] DSQs trust her and rely on her for guidance. She has really grown into a strong business partner.”
DeRosia was recently tasked with helping leadership identify staff to work virtually, based on parent interest in virtual learning. She outlines the process steps and works with other BPs to then collaborate with school leadership on the identification process.
She also helps identify communication needs and resources to support school leaders and staff as they transition into a virtual role. “It’s all happening very fast in an environment that has a lot of unknowns as we are standing this up for the first time,” said DeRosia. “So I’m trying my best to help leaders and staff understand and become familiar with virtual to answer questions and ease any trepidation.”
DeRosia enjoys that her role is so staff focused, whether that means supporting a director of school quality or principal or even helping answer a staff question. She constantly thinks of the staff at NHA, especially in the heightened state they are in as the return to school nears. And she strives to remove concerns when possible, share information, answer questions, and provide support. She goes out of her way to ensure school leaders are prepared, a quality that does not go unnoticed.
“Jasmine is clear, open to feedback, and demonstrates an action-oriented mindset,” said Michael Stack, senior director of school quality. “Her support is exactly what our leaders need as they face giant challenges in the coming months.”
DeRosia is aware that the unknown can be uncomfortable, especially for teachers who just want to set up their classrooms and know what to expect in their first couple of weeks back at school. She works each day to try to alleviate anxiety where she can. “To do what we’re blessed to do, to service kids, we need people,” said DeRosia. “We need them to be in the right place and feel supported.”
She’s passionate about helping people, so it’s no surprise that the first thing she thought when she went remote is that she would miss working with people. “This time has reiterated, if not emphasized, how much I enjoy working with people,” said DeRosia.
She has been with NHA for nearly 17 years and has held a handful of roles, including an HR technology role, a benefits manager role, and now the BP role. Until her most recent role as a BP, she had only visited NHA schools a few dozen times, but this role has taken her to schools much more frequently.
“This is the first role where I feel so much connection to the schools and the direct support I can provide,” said DeRosia. “We have amazing leaders and staff in our buildings, and I get to see that firsthand on a regular basis. And I try to do my part to support them in the great work they do every single day.”
Though the pandemic has brought long days for her, she has enjoyed spending time on the lake this summer. She believes the water gives her peace and allows her to let things go, mentioning that it has been a nice way to give herself a break.
Keep up the incredible work, Jasmine!